Homemaker Pro #4 What's a MOM Worth?

I'm so excited about today's HPro post. I know...it doesn't take much to get me excited. But, to me, this is HUGE!! Are you ready?

My salary for being a SAHM is...$224,000!!

Thanks to Mom.Salary.com...I was able to find out what I'm worth...in dollars. I mean...even $224,000 a year, doesn't come close to what a MOM is really worth. Or even, a wife who takes care of her hubby and works or any SASSY Gal for that matter! You don't have to be a mother to be worth MILLIONS!!

This is the break-down of Me, notice that General Maintenance Worker, Nutritionist, Plumber and Logistics Analyzer are all ZERO's. This is because Mr. Man takes care of the Maintenance, Plumbing and Analyzing. And, the Nutritionist part...hmmm, we have a Diabetic, a Celiac and some very picky eaters that make this category VOID!

....ignore all the little boxes..can't get rid of them! haha

Earning Statement Our Family
For the year ending: February 2009
Job title Hourly Rate Hours worked
Housekeeper $8.83 1,040
Day Care Center Teacher $12.07 1,040
Cook $12.25 624
Computer Operator $14.09 520
Laundry Machine Operator $9.06 780
Janitor $9.29 520
Facilities Manager $31.66 780
Chief Executive Officer $62.13 780
Van Driver $14.56 260
Psychologist $33.37 416
Interior Designer $16.87 260
Administrative Assistant $15.26 260
Event Planner $23.02 260
Bookkeeper $15.07 260
General Maintenance Worker $12.99 0
Groundskeeper $11.14 260
Nutritionist $20.56 0
Staff Nurse - RN $25.28 260
Plumber $14.60 0
Logistics Analyst $20.25 0
Total Value
Regular Hourly Rate $20.09 2,080 $41,784
Over Time Rate $30.13 6,240 $188,028

Sooooo, What are YOU worth? To be TOTALLY Honest...I'm pretty sure, my worth is measured by how much CHOCOLATE my kids give me.