The 'Honest Scrap Award' for ME!!!

I got an Award from Jen over at Keep It Classy. Just so you know...She's my NEW BFF!! Haha! No, really!! She has a Wonderful Radio Show every weekday at 10am, You can listen HERE! And she's the proud Lady behind the Classy Closet Social Network...I'm a member, are YOU? Okay, okay...moving on.....

Anyway, the rules go like this:
Honorees are to list 10 honest things about themselves - and make it interesting! Second, we are to pass the award on to 7 bloggers we feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap.
Ten things About Me:

1. If my hair is curled...most likely I didn't get a shower that day!!
2. I buy ALL my home furnishing Second Hand (Yard Sales)!
3. Chocolate IS my BFF, sorry Jen!! I should buy stock in See's Candy!
4. I, RUN! around the house cleaning...for more time on my 'Puter! Not Kidding!
5. Don't like Exercise unless I'm using MY Wii Fit!
6. Love my over-sized SUV, 10 miles a gallon and I still love it!
7. I'm SO Lucky to be a SAHM!! Thanks honey, You're my HERO!!!
8 A Handbag A my MOTTO!! My other BFF' sorry Jen!
9. In my kitchen is a CANDY MACHINE, it takes quarters!! I have the key! :)
10. I LOVE having my NAILS done by my sister!

Seven Blogger's that deserve this AWARD!!

Elsa Beauty
Life With My 3 Boybarians
The Lazy Organizer
Pulsipher Predilections
Little Window Shoppe
Utah Brown's
The Hellwig's